When to reach out and to whom?

*Please access your Classroom Teacher if . . . 
  • you have questions or concerns about your child’s homework
  • you have a concern about a friendship or peer issue with your child
  • you have an academic concern about your child
  • *you have a family change that may affect your child in the school setting

*Please access the School Counselor if . . .
  • *you have a family change that may affect your child in the school setting
  • you are looking for resources to support your family
  • you are looking for support for your child but unsure about the next steps you should take

Please access the Administration if . . .
  • you have an ongoing concern about your child that has not yet been able to be addressed 
  • you need to report any Bullying concerns
This list is not exhaustive, please do not hesitate to reach out directly to a School Counselor if you have any questions and or need further information and we would be happy to assist you or direct you to the appropriate resource!